Let’s Grow & Glow Together!

The Luminous Life Podcast

Episode 29: Dismantling The To Do List
Entrepreneurship laurie marie Entrepreneurship laurie marie

Episode 29: Dismantling The To Do List

Our to do list can feel like a blessing and a curse. It can help us feel organized or make us feel shitty like we're not doing enough. I recently had to take a hard look at why I was trying to build my empire in a day and dismantle my to do list. Join me as I dismantle the "to do" list and discuss why we try to do so much and how we can slow down, celebrate, and honor ourselves more

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Episode 13: Create A Business That Works with Your Life
Entrepreneurship laurie marie Entrepreneurship laurie marie

Episode 13: Create A Business That Works with Your Life

Becoming an entrepreneur will be one of the biggest spiritual awakenings you will ever experience. There will be things you will learn and things you will have to unlearn like leaving the 9 to 5 - dollars per hour mentality behind. When creating a business, focus on what you want your life to look and feel like first then structure your business to work with your life. Create a freedom schedule that aligns with how you want your life to look and feel like not the other way around. In this episode I get into all of the juicy goodness around creating a biz that works for your life and letting go of sacrificing your life for your work.

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